July 6, 2008

Cornelis Vreeswijk

Felicia Adjö
1968, written by Cornelis Vreeswijk

Felicia försvann.
Kan någon säga hur?
Som fågeln ur sin bur.
Som isen när det våras.
Som kärlek när den såras.
Som tur utan retur.

Felicia disappeared.
Can anyone say how?
Like birds out of their nest.
Like the ice when it's turning the spring.
Like love when it hurts.
Like a one way ticket.

Cornelis Vreeswijk was a dutch/swedish folk singer. As a child he moved to Sweden from the Netherlands and after being teased in school for pronouncing vitamin as "fitta min" (slang for my pussy), he decided to learn and master the swedish language as well as possible. In the 60s he started his carreer, and some people in Sweden were quite shocked as his lyrics were often not the sweet and lovely songs they were used to (though he also wrote some of those), but also discussed subjects like drinking, poverty and suffering. Cornelis himself lead a hrm, artistic life. He was a heavy drinker and once got in troubles for beating a transvestite after he found out when they were about to mess around that the lady was a dude. When he died in 1987 as a result of cancer, he got a swedish state burial.

Interesting fact is that in the Netherlands he is not very wellknown at all, and though he is considered one of Sweden's greatest artists, he never gave up his dutch nationality and refused a swedish passport.


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